What is Metodesnitazene?

NPS Discovery recently announced the discovery of a novel psychoactive substance (NPS) called Metodesnitazene. Metodesnitazene is an opioid that is not connected to fentanyl. NPS opioids are substances created in a laboratory, usually in China, and then sold on the open web. Usually these drugs are not applicable to our controlled substance laws and are therefore legal to possess. Currently, there are several Chinese manufacturers selling Metodesnitazene on the open web (a simple google search will show sellers). You can see a photo of Metodesnitazene here at a Chinese seller’s site. 

Current Drug Trends
Learn more about these types of drugs in our online class “Current Drug Trends” at LawEnforcementLearning.com

History and Potency of Metodesnitazene

This drug class has been around since the 1950s and is much less potent than fentanyl. Some data suggest Metodesnitazene may be half the potency of morphine. Even though it is less potent than fentanyl, there will be users seeking it because of its uniqueness and its ability to skirt antiquated controlled substance laws. For our followers that are chemists, you can get more information on this drug in a report linked here


Availability and Cost of Metodesnitazene

A google search reveals many Chinese manufacturers selling the drug online on the open web. Many will converse with you through WhatsApp and Wickr, which are the apps of choice for drug dealers. Here is a breakdown of cost from one manufacturer:

5 grams $162

10 grams $246

50 grams $597

100 grams $867

1 kilo $4,573



What Users are Saying

Many users will give “trip reports” to let other prospective users know what they are getting into. Since this drug is so new, I turned to Reddit to see what users are saying. A Reddit user asked, “So I really enjoy odsmt and the metodesnitazene is on sale for a fair price. Would it be something i I enjoy? I know dosage is similar to morphine or odsmt. Can’t really find much reports on here, so maybe that already says something. Would love to hear some experiences of people who tried it.”

The replies showed that there weren’t many fans of the drug. Many said that the euphoria effects were minimized compared to other drugs. In another thread, a user reported that he had to use over 200mg “plugged” (taking the drug anally, also called booty bumping) before he could get high. The same user said, “it wasn’t until today, taking a 200mg!! dosage plugged, after my tolerance had went down a bit (havent used any opioid in 8 days at this point) that I felt anything. I would say I have a minor codeine-like high right now. It started with minor warmth in the head, not the typical opioid warmth we know and love but like I had been out in the sun for 10 minutes. From there it only progressed a little bit, giving me a very minor and not strong high. Again, I would say this feels like taking maybe 60mg of codeine or something. I don’t have any itch, feel any particularly good euphoria, but it does feel like I at least took some type of drug.

Editor’s Analysis

This is one of those drugs that people will buy off the internet, experiment with and then move on. However, some of our readers may have a case where there is a vehicle fatality, an overdose or some other call where this drug will come up. It is for that reason that we should know a little about it. Just know that you will see signs and symptoms of use that are like all other opioids (see below for a symptomology chart).

This drug comes in a white powder like many other drugs, including fentanyl. You won’t know what you have until a lab analysis comes back or there is some other evidence to show what the drug is. For this reason, you should always wear proper protective equipment when dealing with unknown drugs. This includes a respirator, eye protection, nitrile gloves and clothing covering your skin. 

Author: Keith Graves
Keith is a retired Police Sergeant, working his entire 29 year career in the San Francisco Bay Area. Keith is a recipient of the prestigious California’s Narcotics Officer of the Year Award and is a prior winner of MADD’s California Hero Award. He has years of experience as a Narcotics Detective and a Narcotics Unit Supervisor and is a Drug Recognition Expert Instructor (IACP #3292). Keith has developed several courses for the Department of Defense, California Narcotics Officers Association, and California POST, and numerous police agencies and private corporations. Keith has held other assignments besides narcotics including Training Sergeant, Patrol Sergeant, COPPS Officer, Traffic Officer, and 20 years as a SWAT Team member and Sniper Team Leader. Keith has taught thousands of officers and businesses around the world about drug use, drug trends, compliance training and drug investigations. Keith is also the founder of Christian Warrior Training, where he provides free resources and training to church security ministries. He is recognized as an international drug expert and has testified as an expert in court proceedings on drug cases, homicide cases and rape prosecutions. Keith earned a BA in Business Management from Saint Mary’s College of California and a MA in Criminal Justice. Keith is the Founder and President of Graves & Associates, a company dedicated to providing drug training to law enforcement, the Department of Defense, and private industry internationally. You can follow Keith on social media on Facebook (DopeCop and DrugEnforcementCops), twitter (DopeCop) and Instagram (DrugEnforcementCops).

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